Pest control and myocides Disinsection is the control and fight against the population of insects in areas that interest us. Read More Decontamination covid-19 A type of service in medical care facilities or quarantine areas that are used to care for patients who have contracted COVID-19 because staff have been specifically trained to do so. Read More construction gardens Read More

We protect you and your customers

Agrolefkas takes care of the immediate 24 hours a day
and efficient provision of its services throughout Greece.


Disinsection is the control and fight against the population of insects in areas that interest us.

Insect control is done in the following ways:

  • By spraying a solution using insecticides of sanitary importance
  • Using baits in gel form
  • With light insect traps with special glues, with Pheromones that are for fighting and controlling insects
  • Cloud spraying, a more effective treatment

All the preparations we use have a license from the Ministry of Health.

covid-19 disinfections

Agrolefkas offers quick response and a wide range of specialist decontamination services for businesses worldwide to ensure that potentially harmful and dangerous situations are dealt with in a safe, discreet and legally compliant manner.

Our specialized decontamination services provide assurance to businesses, municipalities, districts, private and any other space that could be affected by potentially dangerous situations by eliminating harmful pathogens quickly and safely.

Our disinfection methods provide an essential resource for many authorities and commercial organizations because they help protect your business from infectious bacteria, viruses and diseases.


Rodent control refers to domestic rodents.

By the term domestic rodents we refer to mice and rats that invade residential areas, contaminate human premises and food with their excrement, urine and hair and are a great risk to public health.

In addition, they are responsible for various damages to furniture and cables, with the risk of causing serious damage (eg causing a fire from a eaten cable).

Some of the diseases that can be transmitted from rodents to humans and animals are leptospirosis, typhoid fever, plague, salmonella and plague.

green works

agrolefkas undertakes the study and construction of gardens in residential and commercial spaces according to your needs. during the construction we take into account the study and planning of the garden that has preceded. All the works are carried out with techniques that respect the environment, facilitate maintenance of the garden and ensure its longevity

Sectors Activity

Department stores

Food Retail Stores


Rooms for rent, guesthouses, etc.


Companies & Businesses

Block of flats

Independently or in collaboration with management companies


Passenger, Commercial, Pleasure boats

The Our staff

Robotis Angelos


Scientific Officer

Graduated from the Agricultural University of Athens

Athanasios Robotis


Agrolefkas | Λευκάδα

Contact us

Phone: +306975462678 +306972763576 +302645033698

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