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Cockroaches are one of the most common problems that people have to deal with in homes, shops, restaurants, warehouses, etc.
Some species live in houses and are potential carriers of disease. They spoil food and can spread pathogenic microorganisms. They can also cause allergic reactions. The most important diseases they transmit are salmonella, gastroenteritis and dysentery.
Cockroaches are not exclusively attracted to an "unclean" house. They can colonize in any place.
The most common species that are encountered and need to be treated are:
  1. Blatella germanica (small cockroach)
  2. Blatta orientalis or Periplaneta Americana (large, black cockroach)
The fight against the small cockroach is done with the use of special gels. The gel is placed in "hidden" places, with an application gun. The use of the gel allows for quick control of a cockroach infestation and prevents the next infestation for a long time.
To combat the large cockroach, in addition to the gel, residual sprays with low-pressure sprayers are also applied.

Agrolefkas | Λευκάδα

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